Free Fictional Question Stems Download

Do you dream of creating an amazing lesson plan that knocks your administration’s socks off? Long for a good book on a warm, sunny beach? Fantasize about getting every single student to love reading, master writing, and understand why grammar matters? I’m right there with you. Kindred hearts collaborate well.

Being part of the Reading and Writing Haven email list has perks. You’ll be the first to know about sales, updated resources, important blog posts, and exclusive free resources. Sign up today, and you’ll receive 16 discussion question stems to use with any fiction text. They’re the perfect way to get students excited to talk about what they’re reading. Make sure to check all your folders and add me to your inbox so you never miss a thing!

Fill out the form below to download your free copy of these fictional question stems. Read about how you can use them with book clubs here!

Download your free copy of these fictional question stems for workshop, book club, book talks, literature circles, and more #HighSchoolELA #BookClub Download your free copy of these fictional question stems for workshop, book club, book talks, literature circles, and more #MiddleSchoolELA #DiscussionQuestions Download your free copy of these fictional question stems for workshop, book club, book talks, literature circles, and more #MiddleSchoolELA #DiscussionQuestions